“Yellow Turtle”

“Yellow Turtle” – by Marie van Efferink. The size of this artwork is 37cm x 47cm.

When Marie van Efferink first got here on Bonaire, she used to draw different kind of fishes. The latest drawing was like this one, with a yellow background. When this project came along, she adjusted the drawing a little. So now the fish is chasing it’s own tail. In her eye you can see the confusion, to catch up with her tail.
People deal with everyday issues, but the fishes and turtles and all other living creatures under water do too. The sea can seem colourful and peaceful, just like the yellow background. But if we look close, it is a tough world. And we need to help in every way we can to support the turtles on Bonaire.

Marie says she is not a painter, not an artist, but she used to draw very often. Her mother is a talented painter, so she just took a shot and painted one herself.

“Yellow Turtle”

“Yellow Turtle”  

Marie van Efferink with “Yellow Turtle”